Anteater of The Month!

Alvin! He's the only albino Giant Anteater around at the moment. Literally one of a kind!

(see previous)


11th Mar 2025

A site is born!

Hello there! Welcome to my site! My name's Isobel, and I've gotten sick of social media, so decided to pick up coding and make my own little corner of the internet.

I'm currently taking a break from school (sixth form was not a particularly good 2 years) and so have too much free time. In this excess of time, I like to sew, crochet, birdwatch and bake. I've also started cycling, with varying success - currently typing this with a nasty graze on my knee!

Some notes on this site:

- It's very much under construction. Basically nothing works yet on this site but I hope it'll get fleshed out as I add stuff

- I haven't tested this on mobile yet, so can't guarantee it'll work, but would love to work it out sometime!

- My code is probably very messy, but feel free to snoop around

If you have any questions about the site pls contact me at izzyeatsants@proton.me

Thanks for hanging out!